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Presidents Day Reading, Activities, and Coloring

Writer's picture: Elizabeth Elizabeth

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

Our Presidents Day activities are growing. Last year was an election year, and we had a lot of opportunities to learn about the democratic process. This year's activities will explore the responsibilities of being a president and the character traits of some former presidents. I picked up a placemat and poster to help put faces to names and even got a presidential Madlibs game to keep it fun.

Kid Presidents: True Tales of Childhood from America's Presidents

Hilarious childhood biographies and full-color illustrations show how George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Barack Obama, and other presidents-to-be faced kid-sized problems growing up in America.

What Presidents Are

Made Of

See America's presidents as never before—made of objects! Using everything from blue jeans to boxing gloves, Hanoch Piven "builds" the characters of eighteen of our nation's leaders. Revealing anecdotes accompany the creative collages and lend insight to the charismatic personalities of prominent presidents from George Washington to Barack Obama, resulting in an irresistible resource that transcends party lines.

Duck for President

It is our pleasure, honor, and duty as citizens to present to you Duck for President. The New York Times, bestselling creators of Click, Clack, Moo, comes an entertaining introduction to politics.

Here is a duck who began in a humble pond. Who worked his way to farmer. To governor. And now, perhaps, to the highest office in the land.

Grace for President

A fresh, fun, and "thought-provoking" New York Times bestseller about the American electoral college and why every vote counts from bestselling and award-winning duo Kelly DiPucchio and LeUyen Pham.

I am Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln always spoke up about fairness, and thus he led the country to abolish slavery. This book follows him from childhood to the presidency, including the Civil War and his legendary Gettysburg Address.

I am George Washington

George Washington was never afraid to be the first to try something, from exploring the woods around his childhood home to founding a brand new nation, the United States of America. With his faith in the American people and tremendous bravery, he helped win the Revolutionary War and became the country's first president.

What is the president's job?

by Singer, Allison Presents an overview of the president's office, exploring how they are elected, where they live, and what they do at work.

This leveled DK Reader will build reading skills while teaching exciting political vocabulary and showing how the leader of the United States helps decide the country's laws, what traditions the president takes part in, and how the POTUS meets with other countries to make sure there is peace and goodwill.

I picked up a poster and placemat for visual reference:

Coloring Pages from

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