Central Florida Homeschool Events & Blog
Sharing An Imagination
Time is TBD
|Location is TBD
Storybook & Structured Activities. By encouraging children to practice sharing ideas and imaginations, we are helping them learn the same skills that are crucial for more sophisticated social interactions and conversation as students age.
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the Event
Before you think about teaching problem solving to your child, we encourage you to first think about your own adult experiences with in-the-moment problem solving. Have you ever overacted to a problem? Most of us have experienced times when our reaction didn’t match the actual size of the problem! And, we may have noticed the response in others or the consequences that followed. While we all want our children to become more successful with problem solving, we need to keep in mind that if we, as adults who have had years of practice, still struggle with this in our own lives, it’s unrealistic to expect to teach kids to fully control their own behaviors and problem solve without hiccups. It’s a learning process for us all!